LaBruyere, Haiti

The community of LaBruyere is located a few miles outside the city of Cap Haitian in Northern Haiti. It usually takes us about an hour and a half to arrive by vehicle at the quiet village.The school was founded by Pastor Dorlean a number of years ago. Pastor Dorlean, like many children in Haiti, was unable to attend as a young child due to financial hardship.When in his teens, he entered second grade and would go to school as long as he could afford then work to earn money to go back until he completed his education.

There are approximately 220 children that attend his school grades K1-6.Many do not have the means to pay but Pastor Dorlean knows how important an education is for them. Like many of the schools in the remote regions of Haiti, the teachers are poorly paid.It is difficult to keep quality teachers if they cannot get paid.They also are trying to provide for their families and sometimes need to leave a profession they love in order to do so.

Along with a sponsorship program in this community we also provide a school lunch three days per week.Many of the children would not receive a daily meal without this program.

If you would like to help this community, please go to the donate page to make a contribution.You can choose to sponsor a classroom for $20.00 per month or make a donation to start a feeding program at their school.Even as little as one dollar makes a difference. No amount is too small.

Your financial support and prayers are desperately needed and greatly appreciated.

100% of all donations go directly to community you donate to.