
Schooling Christian Haitians Out Of Love, Inc.

Transforming Communities through Education and the Love of Christ

Schooling Christian Haitians Out of Love, Inc. (acronym S.C.H.O.O.L.) was founded by Kathi Caton Thompson of Avon, Maine in March of 2007.

The foundation of this program was inspired while on a church building mission trip to LaBruyere, Haiti. Pastor Dorlean had asked a friend to take pictures of the children in his community. He explained that he had been praying to find a way for the children to be able to attend school. Many parents of the students attending school were unable to pay their child’s tuition. The lack of consistent pay made it difficult to keep qualified teachers. My heart was moved and I felt God calling me to action.

Galatians 6:2 "Carry each other's burdens,
and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ."

By the time I left, I had discussed the needs with Pastor Dorlean in LaBruyere and Pastor Degonzague of a neighboring school in Lassoudray and shared my desire to try to help them. I explained that I own a small electrical supply distributorship in Maine and had no experience with this venture. God would take the lead and we would move forward in His timing. Here we are always seeking God’s guidance as we continue His program.

School Photo
Group Photo
School Photo Children Group Photo

Hebrews 10:24 "And let us consider how we may
spur one another on toward love and good deeds."

Have you ever wondered if you could "really" make a difference?

Once you take a moment to read about the communities that we work with, you will realize that just $1.00 can do exactly that... "make a difference".

You might ask how does just $1.00 "make a difference"? Because 100% of the donation goes directly to the community you donate to; $1.00 can almost feed two children a meal! To that child... it makes a difference!!

We are a 100% volunteer organization including self-funding the cost of our mission trips. So, we hope to encourage you, that no matter how small or large your budget... your donation makes a difference and is greatly appreciated!! Thank you for your prayers and financial support! Bondye beni ou (God bless you in Creole)

Proverbs 22:6 "Train a child in the way he should go,
and when he is old he will not turn from it."